I owe a very large debt of gratitude to Dr. Kyoko Iriye Selden, senior lecturer at Cornell University. She has provided me with direction and support and has given freely of her time, providing me with the basis for all of the otherwise non-attributed translations found at this site.
Should you wish to use any of the translated material found at this site, please request permission before doing so.
Should you find any errors, I take full responsibility for the mis-transcription.

All kanji found on this site have been researched in the WWWJDIC , Jim Breen's server at Monash University.
More uncommon kanji and their Chinese referents, which have not been found in the above site, have been researched in the Unihan Database.

Macrons, in fonts other than "Times New Roman", were created using Font Creator by Erwin Denissen and added to the site using Microsoft WEFT.

Unless otherwise noted, all information pertaning to the Kabuki stage has been obtained through the kindness of Regis who runs the site: Kabuki 21